There's no going back, especially if your tattoo says "your" instead of "you're" .

But fortune smiles on some. In 2005, more than 100 people shared a Powerball prize in the US after picking numbers contained in a batch of fortune cookies.

Even though strong winds and rough seas may have attributed to the unexpected horizontal alignment, a ship that is so easily knocked over is quite unnerving.

The only that could have made it better was if the MacBook's Photo Booth program took a picture of Mr Ballmer's reaction to being caught out

If ever find yourself in a similar situation, make sure you take the closest position to the ramp and pray that your friend doesn't miss it on approach

Unless, could it be... that it is a sentient X-ray camera in mischievous disguise? OMG!? SKYNET!!

One of them, Maddox, said Mr Bush made political satirists obsolete: "It's almost impossible to do a critical analysis because the man practically satirises himself."

The picture of the poor pooch begs the question — did the owner deliberately set his pet up for a FAIL or was the dog just unlucky?

Funny enough on first glance, however the military bunker, which can fit up to 600 military and civilian personnel, is actually a tourist attraction.

News FAIL ... nobody's perfect, including us. Somehow it just didn't seem right to poke fun at everyone else without including one of our own stuff-ups.
1 comment:
The Stunt Fail is great!
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